Not too many years
ago, local merchants lined the streets of Main Street America.
Storefronts proudly offered an array of goods and services to
friendly, satisfied customers. Today, however, local merchants
find themselves in direct competition with corporate giants and
their high-tech ways.
While many computer service firms set their sights on the big guys--one didn't...Accelerated Management Systems. At AMS, we realized that the entrepreneurial spirit is very much alive, and with the support of products like our entry-level RISC® Calculator to our most versatile RFS® Retail Finance System, AMS can keep your store competitive in today's evolving retail marketplace. So, get a grip on your profits! Explore AMS Online now or call us at (800) 928-4521 for more information.
©1999, Vision Marketing, Inc. (954) 845-9445, Updated: 3/99.